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how we came to be

Thanks to substantial investments from the Morris Family Foundation, Oregon Career Technical Education and the generous support of the community, CraterWorks first opened its doors in May 2019, transforming the old Crater Iron building into an architecturally-inspiring “innovation hub” outfitted with brand new, state-of-the-art machinery and equipment.

The Who

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​​Utilizing a makerspace that acts as the tool needed to establish a 
Community, Education and Industry Partnership
that re-imagines CTE for every D6 student (grades 6-12) by providing access to CTE through core classes and mentorship in authentic learning inspired by industry.
CraterWorks builds on current CTE programs;
connects D6 students to local industry, experts in trades, and skilled artisans;
and builds community.

The What

The WhEn

Morris Family Foundation approaches SD6 with funds made available for an idea already in the works
"Think big"  

SD6 Identifies
students' success being linked to the tools of industry, working with mentors, and connecting with the community and industry itself

What could provide that?
Makerspaces act as collaborative space for students, community, and the resources themselves!

Who is doing that?
D.I.R.T. recognized as doing that very thing through their organization of facility operations for schools and commitment to hands-on learning

the perfect space is chosen
Conversations unfold with the city of Central point on how to use the space and how to connect it with the schools themselves

Partnership formed between SD6 and D.I.R.T

Research and tours begin across all industries to best find the application of so many possibilities

Chris Brown and artitek:design&architecture
were selected due to their extensive skill set application and 
their ability to preseorve historical elements of the building itself, while weaving in the cutting edge
modern building style

Officially broke ground

Doors opened to public and school programs alike!

2020 and onwards
facility development continued from the opening of the commercial kitchen and onwards

The industrial building was previously used by the structural steel fabrication company, Crater Iron. It is  located just across Highway 99 from the Crater High School campus, along Central Point’s “artisan corridor.”
The work Crater Iron did hugely benefited our vision as the near-20,000 sq. ft. industrial building offers the iconography of a formal structural iron fabrication shop, with overhead cranes, high ceilings, overhead doors, office space and heavy power- giving us a perfect foundation for the type of collaborative, mechanized environment we were dreaming of.

With arkitek's expertise in joining preservation and modernization, the CraterWorks facility emphasized natural lighting,
utilized Oregon's identity as the first state to allow cross laminated timber in midrise construction, showcasing the sustainable building material; 
and acts as a living textbook.

The where

The How

From start t finish through this authentic "making" experience, 
we recognized very quickly how having the right resource at the right time can really transform the making process. 
Our resources included not only the passion and commitment to elevating the learning experience for students, 
opening access to space and tools, 
and the creative curiosity of what could come next, 
but the very makers that collaborated on this expansive project!

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A MakerSpace isn’t intended to replace a traditional “shop class" or curriculum- it can, however, accentuate the learning process
There not only is a tried and true benefit to the type of hands-on learning that D.I.R.T so strongly stands behind, but also a benefit of students having the opportunity and resources to discover a means of education that might just set them out on a path that will lead them to a successful future. 
The positive effects of being able to witness the processes and successes of other community member makers that share in the same makerspace are undeniable. Opening the space, inviting in the community, and teaching the fundamental process of bringing an idea to life is rewarding in and of 

The why

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